yes. yes. i'll give my hand a slap for ya!
but i'm BACK. i'm ready to recommit to this here blog.

here's the breakdown.
these past few months have been a whirlwind of activity.
my baby Mike turned 4.
my middle baby Jake, turns 8 in oh... 11 days!
i am the secretary for the PTO at Eric's school.
hence a steady flow of meetings & volunteering.
i am working & teaching at my lss, Making Memories
crazy, ridiculous fun.
chris is officially OFF probation for Tucson Fire.
oh YEA baby.
and last, but not least, i've been getting off my ass the last 5 weeks.
to do what, you ask?
my body is pretty much in a constant state of soreness.
and I LOVE IT.
and to top it all off, i am feeling totally BITTEN.
excited for the Twilight premier this friday.
but also secretly sad.
i much prefer my imagination, thank you.
so, talk to me girls. (most especially Girlah's).
tell me you'll forgive my absence.
and welcome me back.
i've missed you.
i LOVE YOU SEESTER!!! you're the B-E-S-T
Ooooh wow. Muh gurrrrl is back, man.
#1. Your necklace is the hotness. Check.
#2. The boys Halloween costumes? Totally dope. Check.
#3. You're better than me for working out. I have been sooo bad. So you're my hero. Check.
Glad you're back I missed you. Now please post more shenanigans!
Oh yeah and also.
Got my tix for Friday. I'm kind of with you on the imagination thing with Edward.
But I'm ready.
i'm still reading, you still look beautiful, and i'm glad you're recomitting!
ps, you know how the word verification at the bottom is usually just a bunch of jumbleness, well my word right now is "spite", what does that mean? :(
que my still fave song at the moment, paper planes... bwahahah.
dude. i'm so excited and happy for your return. we all go on hiatus every now and again.
i LOVE the themed halloween, i squealed! omgawwd. you're so hot i cant take it.
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