Let's see. What's happening?
All the boys are back to school in a little over a week.
I got a J.O.B. Except, I exaggerate. It's more like a TREAT, not a job.
I'll be working at my local scrapbook store, Making Memories Unforgettable for about 10-12 hours a week.
I am geeked out with excitement.
I have throughly been enjoying my subscription to Studio Calico.
I am more than halfway done with my album for our NYC trip.
Lots of scrappy projects are "in progress". I can hardly wait for them to be complete so I can share! [Wink Wink].
I'm a latecomer to the Twilight series.
I finished Twilight a few days ago and am halfway through New Moon.
I must admit, that I was skeptical more than halfway into Twilight.
And then I was sucked in. [Pun intended].
Lots of swimming and trips to Dairy Queen going on around here.
I've even knocked out a bit of back to school shopping for the boys.
Here is a "find" from Target last week.
They are for Jake. Chris gets the credit for spotting them. $6.24! [Marked down from $25!].
I tried a new recipe last week.
It's a KEEPER, for sure.
It must come as no surprise for you food afficionados out there that I downloaded the recipe from none other than
THE PIONEER WOMAN. I made it for a pot-luck we went to last night.
They were the talk of the party!
Here they are in their pre-cooked glory.

Well, that's what I have for my monthly update. LMAO.
Happy August!
Congratulations on the job! Awesome and LUCKY! I hope you enjoy it. :o)
I saw those shoes at Target and wanted them for me! They also had the pink flower Chucks on clearance and I wanted them, too. Talk about polar opposites. LOL! But alas they didn't have my size in either.
OK...I need to try that recipe. I love the Pioneer Woman. Yeehah!
woot woot to working at a scrapbook store! that is awesome!! better late than never girl! :)
have an awesome weekend!
so many goodies to enjoy here today! i am definitely trying that recipe...congrats on your new job...and i love the converse :)
congrats on the new job, alex!! sounds like it's going to be lots of fun. and yay we are fellow twilighters!! i'm so in love with the books i can't stop thinking about them.
Oh girl... so glad you jumped on the Twilight THANG. My crazy a$$ has her new book on pre order! WOOT. Aren't they so cool and you had no idea you would ever like something like that, huh? Totally.
And RAD on the job. Tell me if they ever have any good Fontwerks or Hambly. It's slim pickins at the LSS here.
Love you, chica!
Congrats on your job, now just don't spend more than you make. I would think that would be hard, hard in an LSS. Your food looks good!!
dude. i love your monthlys. bwah!!!!!!!!! and a new job at a flippin ss? O.M.G. heart palpitations for sure. like especially when the delivery truck backs in and the dude is carrying new loot, ah! i have no idea what thats like. am just picturing it, lol. and holy shat mang on the twilight. i just finished it. omg. me and heidi text profusely on it. i can't think. it's too much glory. omg. this is so long. oh! and fireman schedules are the shat too eh. and and and :) i guess comments are longer when it's monthly, lol. i'm on a bimonthly posting gig. ah! miss you.
what a great job to have! think of all the deals you'll get! LOL!
I cannot believe you're gonna be working at the LSS that does sound like a treat for sure. And to be paid for being there? Sounds rad.
Loving the Target find. Cam would flip for those shoes.
And might I suggest if you like grean beans, do the same as with the jalepenos. Blanch them in the mic, take about 5 or 6, slather them with cream cheese, wrap in bacon and broil in the oven. So yummy. We devour those things. LoL.
ddue. i'm a quarter into new moon. i have so many burning dying questions. perhaps a three way with heidi. that could be interpreted wrong, but that's okay :) Bwah. ha. ha. oh. right. so mikey's middle is Edward. seriously. need. to. talk. i can't hold it all in. i'm bursting at the seams here :) let me gather myself so i can answer your survey. hollahhhhhhhhh.
I'm quick like stealth cause yours was Eazay like Sunday Morning:
1. In my head, we’re neighbor-cousins. I’m just saying, but still. And your name is always ARadd. For Evahhh.
2. It's a tie between Sixteen Candles and The Wedding Planner, those were the first things I thought of... just now. Random.
3. An ice cold pepsi in a glass. The ultimate in my book for evah.
4. Your response to your non-knowing teacher, “But Wikipedia really IS a source, ask DBird. So Whatev.”
5. Getting your hilarious/sweet/funny/raddddd comments on 2Peas. Sigh. Our early days together.
6. Jennifer Lopez (who I love regardless, so it’s fitting). Just sayin’!
7. Pan, Handtossed or Thin and Crispy? Or Papa Johns? Oh! One more. When are you coming to visit? Bwahhahaha :) xo. For like evahhh.
I almost said J-Lo, too.
I just picture our Alex in the kitchen wearing a Wonder Woman outfit and coloring with her kiddos while simultaneously fighting crime and making dinner.
Heh-heh, you said Three way. About NEW MOON, yo. ;)
Damn you are so lucky to be working at a scrapbook store. I'm jealous...you're gonna be great!!!
Listen, I wanted to tell you that I love that avatar at the SC. Gosh you are freaking gorgeous.
hey mama! where art thou. omg i miss you. whats new?
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